A.P.E Stump Puller
107" >124" or 114" > 128"
Our Entry Level, most popular and best 'Bang for Buck' option when it comes to upgrading your M8 engine! Take your 107" to a 124" or your 114" to a 128" while utilising your stock cylinder heads!
PRICE: $4190
Kit Includes
- Cycle-Rama Cam
- Full Compliment Cam Bearing
- Heavy Duty Lifters
- 55mm Performance Intake Manifold
- 6.2gps Injectors
- S&S Head Bolts
- Heavy Duty Clutch Springs
- Cam Service Gasket Kit
Note: 2017-2019 Models require the MY20 New 8 Lobe Scavenge Oil Pump (Purchased Separately)
A.P.E Stump puller - dyno charts
A.P.E Stump Puller Builds
2018 FXBRS 114″ > 128″
125.92HP 152.60 FT LB 4.250” Heavy Duty Cylinders and CP-Carillo X-Forged Pistons 100% Stock Cylinder Heads Stock Throttle Body with plastic manifold 6.2gps injectors Cycle-Rama
A.P.E Stump Puller Builds
2020 FLHCS 114″ > 128″
137.23 HP 150.36 FT LB 4.250” Heavy Duty Cylinders and CP-Carillo X-Forged Pistons Stock Cylinder Heads Stock Throttle Body with SE 55mm intake manifold 6.2gps
A.P.E Stump Puller Builds
2020 FXBRS 114″ > 128″
132.27HP 148.89 FT LB 4.250” Heavy Duty Cylinders and CP-Carillo X-Forged Pistons 100% Stock Cylinder Heads Stock Throttle Body with SE 55mm intake manifold 6.2gps